Stuck at home? Choosing to be home? Forced to be home?
Whatever way you swing it, we’re home a lot more right now than probably ANY of us are use to. This could be exactly what some of you need or what some you are dreading…but all I know is that waiting time is NEVER wasted time if you spend it wisely…SO, while you’re cooped up with your honey I wanted to share 20 creative date night ideas at HOME!

This doesn’t just apply for couples, you could swing any of these to family groupings too! The whole idea is to get CREATIVE and have fun – if there’s any of these on the list that you could incorporate supporting a local business at the same time, DO IT! Whether that’s ordering take-out, picking up treats, etc. Lots of local businesses are offering delivery or curbside pick-up and NOW more than ever, these small businesses NEED YOU! Okay…happy home dating!
Indoor Glamping (don’t forget the s’mores!) – Set up a tent or drag your mattress into the living room and plan for a fun night.
Movie Marathon with Popcorn
Ice Cream Sundae Bar
Create Your Own Indoor Mini Golf Course
Create a Bucket List (if that feels daunting, keep it to a travel bucket list OR sight seeing around your town)
Cook a FULL COURSE Meal Together (don’t forget the sweets!)
Teach Each Other Something New (do one of you know how to play an instrument? chess? think outside the box!)
Write Your Love Story (have fun here, you could make it silly & use different names – think like a Disney movie 😉)
GAME NIGHT – bust out those classics. We love Scrabble!
Youtube Karaoke
Virtually Tour a National Park or Museum – there’s plenty of resources that have opened up lately!
Pizza and a Movie! Think LOCAL (not chain – no Mazzios, Dominos, etc.)
Take a Personality Test & Compare Your Results Together (The Enneagram is GREAT for couples & individuals – highly recommend!)
Play Would You Rather
Have a Fondue Night
Finger Paint a Portrait of Each Other
Build an EPIC Fort
Learn a New Dance Online (YouTube people! Salsa? Cha-Cha?)
Order Take-Out and Watch a New Netflix Show
Destination Theme Night (decor, food, and entertainment should all be inspired by the place you’d like to “go”)
There you have it! 20 creative date night ideas at home – let’s enjoy the time we have together! Don’t waste it!
Do you have a fun idea that’s not on the list? Share it in the comments!